
American Integrated Resources number one commitment is to provide our valued customers with the highest level of service available in the environmental industry.

Protecting Our Customers

A very integral part of this service is our responsibility to protect our customers and our employees from all safety concerns.

In keeping with this policy, American Integrated Resources is dedicated to making the safety of our employees and the safety of our customers our top priority. When it comes to achieving world-class health and safety performance, there’s no room for compromise at American Integrated Resources.

Our Approach

  • Engage employees and service providers to manage health and safety performance as a line item responsibility with clear authority and accountability.
  • Set targets for measuring improvement and American Integrated Resources performance.
  • Require subcontractors to manage health and safety.
  • All employees and subcontractors understand that working safely is a condition of employment. They are each responsible for their own safety and the safety of others.
  • Provide employees with the capabilities, knowledge and resources to instill personal ownership and motivation to achieve health and safety excellence.
  • Provide relevant safety and health information to subcontractors and require them to provide proper training for the safety of their employees.

We Believe that All Accidents are Preventable​

In our efforts to improve our safety program, we have instituted rigorous safety policies and procedures. American Integrated Resources has added a full-time safety director who spends a vast amount of time and resources to train our employees on numerous safety issues. All employees are required to follow our strict safety policies and procedures.

Our increased emphasis on safety, along with our 0.60 EMR has created an environment where we have become a premier contractor for such companies as Southern California Edison, Honeywell, NRG Power, Shell Oil, Kinder Morgan, Conoco Phillips and many others. Our vision and value statement calls on every employee and contractor working for the company to strive for incident-free operations, and to manage risks and to prevent injuries, illnesses and accidents. Our position on health and safety is clear. It applies to everyone everywhere—whether they are walking down a hallway, in an office or when handling hazardous waste.

At American Integrated Resources we believe that “Zero Incidents Is No Accident,”as well as safety and health responsibilities come first, last and always.

*Ask about our IIPP (Injury, illness, prevention plan).